

A web software and design firm

Event Page Plugin Settings

Create a page, category page, or post on your WordPress blog that lists all your sorted events.

Event Page Plugin Settings

Before using the Event Page Plugin you have to change some of the default settings.

Changing your settings

To change your settings please:

  • Log into WordPress
  • Open the “Event Page” tab (which is located at the bottom of the vertical navigation on the left of your WordPress administration panel.
  • Click on the “Settings” option in the “Event Page” tab.

Settings Options

You have five options available to you on this page.

  • URL for event page – This option is necessary for searching and paging through events. This URL should be the link to your events page, i.e. http://blog.ternstyle.us/events
  • I.D. of the category your events are filed under – This option is necessary for searching and paging through events.
  • Number of viewable events per page – This option determines how many events will be displayed initially when viewing the event page or when using the pagination to page through your catalogue of events.
  • Sort order – This option sets whether your events should be displayed in ascending or descending order when viewing the event list. To put the next upcoming event first select “Ascending”.
  • Search engine friendly pagination – If selected this option will set up your URLs like so:http://blog.ternstyle.us/events/2/. Otherwise it will set them up like so:http://blog.ternstyle.us/events/page=2. Both examples will show the second page of events.

Event Page Plugin Settings

Create a page, category page, or post on your WordPress blog that lists all your sorted events.

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