A web software and design firm
Today I added some much needed updates to two of my WordPress Plugins. Both of these plugins were in need of a pretty specific fix. I was using PHP’s short tags which replace the PHP function ‘echo’. Unfortunately, though many servers have this feature of PHP enabled in their php.ini files, some do not. I was getting an increasing number of individuals, using the two updated plugins, asking why they were unable to save their settings for these plugins. As of today I am no longer using the short tags.
Here is the change log for the Members List plugin:
Click Here.
Here is the change log for the Automatic Youtube Video Posts Plugin:
Click Here.
Also I added some documentation on some additional helpful functions for the Automatic Youtube Video Posts Plugin:
Click Here.
Thanks for the youtube plugin, I’ll probably end up using this one since it is automatic.
Great plugins – I’m particularly interested in the member list plugin for my site.