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Event Page Plugin Date and Time Settings

Create a page, category page, or post on your WordPress blog that lists all your sorted events.

Event Page Plugin Date and Time Settings

Before using the Event Page Plugin you have to change some of the default settings.

Changing your Date & Time settings

To change your settings please:

  • Log into WordPress
  • Open the “Event Page” tab (which is located at the bottom of the vertical navigation on the left of your WordPress administration panel.
  • Click on the “Date & Time Settings” option in the “Event Page” tab.

Date & Time Options

You have nine options available to you on this page.

  • Show time when viewing event list – When selected this option will make sure your event dates show the times as well when you are viewing the event list.
  • Show end date/time when viewing event list – When selected this option will make sure your event dates show the end date and time as well when you are viewing the event list.
  • Date from time separating character – When compiling the date, this string separates the date from the time and defaults to a single space.
  • Time Separating character – When compiling the date, this character separates the start and end times if the event starts and finishes on the same day and defaults to a single dash with a space on both sides.
  • Date Separating character – When compiling the date, this character separates the start and end dates if the event starts and finishes on different days and defaults to a double dash with a space on both sides.
  • Date format – If the date mark-up field is left empty, when compiling the date, this is how you’d like your date to be formatted. This should be a string represetation of the date according to PHP/Wordpress’ date formatting parameters. i.e. “l F j, Y”. See here.
  • Time format – If the date mark-up field is left empty, when compiling the date, this is how you’d like your time to be formatted. This should be a string represetation of the time according to PHP/Wordpress’ date formatting parameters. i.e. “g:ia”. See here.
  • Date mark-up – If you’d like a more complicated date format use this field. You are able to add html to your date format here. To represent your date & time elements use the PHP/Wordpress’ date formatting parameters encased in ‘%’. e.g. for the day of the month with leading zeros use %d%. This setting overrides the Date format setting.
  • Time mark-up – If you’d like a more complicated time format use this field. You are able to add html to your time format here. To represent your date & time elements use the PHP/Wordpress’ date formatting parameters encased in ‘%’. e.g. for the 12 hour format hour use %g%.

Event Page Plugin Date and Time Settings

Create a page, category page, or post on your WordPress blog that lists all your sorted events.

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